not talking to each other
was like telling what really is inside:
Neither wine
nor vodka
can make you tell interesting stories
so let's just stay sober
so I can be patient with your limitation
I scream inside you
Parts of me - cells, vibrations
They are telling you that something is wrong
They feel trapped, not understood
As if they are left alone
And that, my dear, that's because they, metaphorically speaking, they are magnets,
Attracted to growth, aspiring, addicted to "more".
You. You are just the same piece of clay
That can't find its shape,
That keeps on losing itself in trivialities
Praying to find a geometric shape
Instead of creating one.
Let's just forget about circles
and build a new form
one that spends its entire existence
reaching for its edges
filling spaces
finding balance between its own nature and the universe.
Can you?
But well, you think that's a poem about frustration.
Tell me about what you think and I'll promise not to pay attention.

So, once again, parts of me are screaming inside you because  they can not understand
how can you expect me to be in the same place, when even the plannetary globe is spinning?!
That may be your greatest "talents":
being so stuck
that no human earthquake
can ever move you.
But that's, once again, limitation.

They shall scream
not because they want you to hear
but because they know
they still belong to me
and they are sure
that if they scream enough
I will take those parts away from you.

I will look for my Icarus one day...

nici ploaia, nici focul
nu ar putea s-adune in maduva fiintei
o pofta mai mare de inceput

nici soarele, nici vantul
n-ar sterge tamplele
n-ar domoli strigarea

nici plumbul, nici nisipul
n-ar fi lacat pentru "adio"
n-ar pune iar in calea ta drumuri noi

nici somnul, nici privirea
n-ar crea noul
n-ar aduce taina
ce o caut iar.

Sa nu-mi plangi
cand stii ca tot ce am vrut, am cerut
Sa nu-mi plangi
n-am sa mai ascult
de nimeni
am sa vorbesc ca sa-ntelegi
n-am sa-ti mai spun nimic despre pictori sau sculptori
lasam geneza lumii
reactiile chimice dintre a exista si a fi
sau nevoia de inalt

ramai acolo, eu nu mai cobor

Si simt ca toate sunt
ma rog, au fost
fragmente de inceputuri

le-am abandonat

nu te mai caut caci, vezi tu, nu mai am ce sa gasesc
imi spuneau cerurile de mult sa las rabdarea
sa tip
sa strig
sa lovesc
sa bat din picioare in fiecare prag din lume
sa trantesc toate usile
sa sparg toate farfuriile
apoi sa creez altele noi
sa le trantesc si sa le sparg la nesfarsit

mi-au spus ca am putere
"stii ca poti, distruge tu ce apuci. Creaza lumea ta.
sterge totul, fie doar alb
priveste in suflet si trage liniile iar"

You know we must meet
or not
but find me